

Thank you for visiting my blog. I do hope you find what you are looking for. The recipes found here are ones that I use and love or other recipes that I have tried and tested – and found that they are worth sharing.

Standing in front of my frying onions, I felt the need to update ‘me’ on my blog.

The first question that popped into my head was, ‘where did you learn to cook?’ It is a question I get asked often.

I’m no master chef nor do I have any cooking or baking qualifications – I am one of those people who will try different things, pay attention when other people cook, I don’t feel shy to ask questions especially if it’s related to the kitchen and to TRY AND FAIL… Get up and try again. That’s where I learned to cook and bake!!!

I have found recipe books really difficult purchase. I’m sure there are many of us out there who have bought recipe books only to find one good recipe!

Don’t feel embarrassed to ask around for a great recipe book – it’s not cheap! And you won’t purchase a novel without checking out the reviews, right?

I have many recipe books but I have found the following recipe books really helpful:
Everything homemade by Tarbiyat Publications
Indian Delight by Zuleikha Mayet
Food with flair published by Taalimun Nisa Association

Once you confident in the kitchen, you will find yourself tweaking recipes to suit your pallette. In fairness, not all recipe books will suit your tastes. For example, I have certain books that call for lots of sauces – I’m not a fan of that and it will depend on which recipes need those sauces – a roast leg of lamb or roasted chicken may need sauces.

I have a deep passion for cooking and baking – I admire people who lend their hand to the kitchen. Trying never hurt anyone. We all need to start some where!

As time goes by, you will notice my blog being updated, not just the recipes but I will be adding more pictures to help you through – as we learn we grow…

The aim for my blog is to get the nervous gal or guy to take that step forward, to attempt that recipe you had saved, even though it may fail – you will know where you went wrong or what you would like to adjust for the next time. No one said anything was easy but if you try and practice you will become the best… The best for yourself…

I was definitely not a good cook, infact, i never thought I would be great in the kitchen, I never thought I will be sharing my recipes and tips.

Here I am….